Dear Friends,
Your response to our crisis has been overwhelming. I am truly moved by the expressions of sympathy, concern and support which my office has received in a shower of e-mails. To know that NEST has so many true friends and supporters is a great source of comfort and encouragement.
On the first morning after the explosion, our employees and staff started cleaning the debris; we had to hire extra help, in addition to all those in the building who volunteered to help. The cleaning process has been continuing for three days so far. The impact of the explosion on Lebanon far exceeds damage done to buildings and property. The Beirut Port which was almost totally annihilated by the explosion is the storage place for all the necessary imports that Lebanon needs at this difficult time in its severe economic and pandemic crisis: wheat, medications, medical equipment, foods, … All of these have been severely damaged, if not totally destroyed, by the explosion, and Beirut Port will not be able to resume its operations in full capacity anytime soon. The Lebanese people, and all who reside in this country, stand to suffer further due to this horrible event. So far, there are 135 confirmed fatalities and 5000 wounded, and many are still missing.
So many of you have asked about information for sending donations. Below you will find information for bank wire transfers (this is the best and most beneficial way for NEST). The information enables you to send either in Euros, GBP or US dollars. Please indicate on the transfer that it is for “NEST Recovery”.
Account Name: Near East School of Theology
Byblos Bank
Bliss Branch
Beirut, Lebanon
Byblos Bank Swift Code: BYBALBBX
If you are in the US, you can also send donations through:
Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
Send check to:
Dr. Peter E. Makari Executive, Middle East and Europe
Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
700 Prospect Ave., #718, Cleveland, Ohio 44115 USA
Designate the gift for NEST Recovery in the Memo line
In case you send through Global Ministries, please send us a separate email indicating that you have donated.
Thank you for your support and love of NEST.
God bless you all.
George Sabra