With a declaration signed on June 8, 1966, the Lebanese Ministry of Education officially recognized the Near East School of Theology as an Institution of Higher Learning. Thus, the degrees conferred by the School are fully accredited in Lebanon. The degrees thus recognized are the following: Bachelor of Theology (B.Th.), Bachelor of Theology in Christian Education (B.Th.C.E.), Master of Divinity (M.Div.), Master of Christian Education (M.A.C.E.) and Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.). The degree of Bachelor in Christian Education (B.A.C.E.) is granted by Haigazian University, with which the N.E.S.T. cooperates for part of the program. The "Diploma in Theological Studies" is not an academic degree.
In addition, persons who are interested in taking courses of their choice and who do not wish to study a prescribed program for a degree or diploma may register as Special Students. Cross-registration arrangements are in effect with the American University of Beirut, the Lebanese American University, and Haigazian University. Theology students from Europe, the U.S.A. or any other part of the world who have a special interest in the Middle East, may spend a semester or an academic year at the N.E.S.T.
Students are admitted to the degree programs on one of three different levels, depending on their previous preparation:
• The B.A. level presupposes 12 years of schooling with a Bacc. II for Lebanese or its equivalent. • The M.A. level presupposes a College or University Diploma (B.A./B.S. or License) or its equivalent. • The S.T.M. is a post-M.Div. research degree.