Master of Divinity (M.DIV)

Master of Divinity (M.DIV)

The M.Div. is a 3-year, 90-credit (and 4 practicums) program which aims to prepare candidates for the pastoral ministry. This program provides complete professional training with equal attention given to each area of the theological curriculum.
The M.Div. program is also open to all candidates who have had a theological
education at the B.Th. level and who have been proposed by their churches, or are otherwise qualified. Some requirements of this program may be waived in view of a previous B.Th. preparation.

a. Prerequisites
  1. B.A./B.S. degree or the B.Th./B.Th.C.E. from N.E.S.T. or equivalent.
  2. English language proficiency must be demonstrated upon request (500 score in E.E.E. or in T.O.E.F.L.).
b. Required Courses
  Old Testament  Credits
OT 211 Biblical Hebrew (I) 3
OT 212 Biblical Hebrew (II) 3
OT 251 Introduction to O.T. (I) 3
OT 252 Introduction to O.T. (II) 3
OTEX 301-309 (One O.T. Exegesis course) 3
OTEL Elective 3

  New Testament  
NT 215 Biblical Greek (I) 3
NT 216 Biblical Greek (II) 3
NT 255 Introduction to N.T. 3
NT 256 The Synoptic Gospels 3
NTEX 311-319 (One N.T. Exegesis course) 3
NTEL Elective 3

  Church History  
HI 251 Introduction to Church History (I) 3
HI 355 History of the Reformation 3
HI 351-354 or 361 (One Eastern Church History) 3

  Systematic Theology  
ST 251 Introduction to Systematic Theology (I) 3
ST 252 Introduction to Systematic Theology (II) 3
STEL Elective 3
ETEL Elective

  Practical Theology  
PT 218-220 Field Education     
PT 252 Worship & Liturgy 3
PT 255 Introduction to Preaching 3
PT 318 Pastor & Parish 3
CE 215 or 216 Teaching the Bible OT. or N.T. 3
PT 362 Pastoral Care & Counseling 3

  Islamics & History of Religions  
IS 251 Introduction of Islam 3
IS 306 Christian – Muslim Relations 3

c. Electives 9
  (Students may opt to write a 3-credit senior paper [25–30 pages] or a 6-credits senior thesis [50–60 pages] in their last year of study instead of taking all their Electives as courses.)  

d. Practicums (one hour per week, non-credit course)  
P1 Study and Research Skills  0
P2 Speech and Homiletics

  TOTAL   90